
主題:基督教信仰及二十一世紀危機 Theme: “Christian Faith and the 21st Century Crisis”

1. 時間 (date) :2011年四月25 - 28日(建議:23日抵雅加達,24日參加整天活動-參閲第7點詳細説明,接著三日全天研討會,28日離開雅加達)。(From April 25-28 2011; it is recommended to arrive Jakarta on Apr 23, participate a full day event on Apr 24 in Jakarta - details as in point 7, a three-full-day consultation, then leave Jakarta on Apr 28).

2. 地點 (venue) :Cisarua - SERUNI 大酒店舉行(Cisarua乃在半山上,氣溫15-20 oC,離JKT約100公里,行程一小時半)。 (At SERUNI Hotel, Jakarta vicinity, highland with temperature of 15-20oC, approximately 100 km away from Jakarta and 1.5 hours distance).

3. 講員 (speakers)
a. Prof. Dr. Peter A. Lillback (美國Westminster神學院院長/President of Westminster Theological Seminary, USA)
b. Prof. Dr. Jeffrey K. Jue (美國Westminster神學院博士研究指導教授/Professor of Westminster Theological Seminary, USA)
c. Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong (唐崇榮牧師)
d. Prof. Dr. Joseph Shao (邵晨光博士)
e. Dr. Jian Hoa Low (樓建華博士)
f. Rev. Wong Fuk (王福牧師)
g. Rev. Dr. Benyamin Intan
h. Prof. Dr. Lane Tipton

4. 研討内容 (consultation)
a. 三日全天研討大會,每日三堂至四堂聚會。(a three-full-day consultation, with 3 - 4 sessions each day)
b. 内容包括正統信仰的傳承現代思潮的危機、二十一世紀大趨勢、二十一世紀神學動向、後現代對基督教的衝激、新儒家及民間信仰之挑戰、戰鬥性的佈道事奉精神等等。(subjects of discussion include the heritage of orthodox faith and the crisis of modern thought currents, mega trend of the 21st century, tendency of the 21st century theological thoughts, conflict of post modernism and Christianity, challenges of new confucionism and traditional belief, fighting spirit in evangelism, etc.)

5. 參加者資格 (participant qualification)
a. 在職聖工人員、牧師傳道或帶職事奉者。(church activists, reverends, evangelists, or part timers in ministries)
b. 已受洗、並參加聖工之信徒,年齡在二十嵗以上。(active and already baptized Christians, age above 20 years)
c. 明白中文或英文傳講信息者。(able to understand sermon delivered in Mandarin or English)

6. 報名事宜 (Registration Information)
a. 參加全程活動(Apr. 23-27),三人房每人美金400元(新台幣12,000元),雙人房每人美金450元(新台幣13,500元)
b. 僅參加研討會(Apr. 25-27),三人房每人美金250元(新台幣7,500元),雙人房每人美金280元(新台幣8,400元)
c. 報名截止日期為2011年四月15日。(若額滿則將提早截止報名)

7. 費用說明 (contribution)
a. 來回機票由各國參加者自己購買,入境簽證自行申請,離境稅、在印尼境内購物,及自由行程等均自己負責。(air tickets, entry visa, purchase of personal items while in Indonesia, and other personal programs, are on the account of the participant)
b. 在印尼期間所有大會期之費用,報名費,住宿費,交通費已含在報名費內,詳如下:(all expenses concerning the consultation, registration, accommodation, transportation add up to approximately USD 400; details as follow:)
i. 23日由機場接機到SUN LAKE酒店或教會。(airport pick up to SUN LAKE hotel or church on April 23)
ii. 24日全日旅程 (activities on Apr 24)
- 由旅店到教會 (Hotel - church transportation)
- 參觀博物館入門票 (museum entry ticket)
- 音樂晚會入門票 (classical music concert entry ticket)
- 全日用餐 (meals)
- 由雅加達赴研討會路費 (Jakarta - consultation venue transportation)
iii. 25 - 27 日,每日三餐,另加早晨十時及下午四時之茶點。(meals and snacks on Apr 25 - 27)
iv. 28日(Apr 28)
- 早餐 (breakfast)
- 由研討會地點回雅加達機場路費(各人只付機場稅出境)(Consultation  venue - airport transportation; airport tax to be borne by participant)

a. 往返機票費用。
b. 印尼落地簽證費用:美金25元。
c. 印尼離境稅:印尼盾150,000元。

8. 在雅加達(24日)活動:(Apr 24 whole day activities)
a. 09.00參加四、五千人之復活節崇拜會 (Easter Sunday worship with approximately 4,500 people)
b. 11.30午餐 (lunch)
c. 12.00參觀雅加達交響樂廰 (concert hall tour)
d. 12.30 - 14.00參觀雅加達ALELDECCA SOPHILIA博物館開幕典禮並參觀初展 (grand opening of ALELDECCA SOPHILIA museum of arts)
e. 14.30 - 16.30自由活動 (free time)
f. 17.00 - 19.30參加貝多芬音樂演奏會,節目:(‘Beethoven Night-3’ )
i. 第三鋼琴協奏曲 (Beethoven Piano Concerto no. 3)
ii. Egmont前奏曲 (Egmont overture)
iii. 基督在橄欖山上神曲 (Christ on the Mount of Olives)
由林望傑博士指揮,張晶晶女士鋼琴獨奏,Jakarta Simfonia Orchestra演奏,Jakarta Oratorio Society演唱 (performance by Jakarta Simfonia Orchestra and Jakarta Oratorio Society, with Jessie Chang as piano soloist and conducted by Dr Jahja Ling)
g. 20.00晚餐 (dinner)
h. 20.30起程赴Cisarua- SERUNI大酒店 (leaving for Seruni hotel)

9. 報名 (registration)
a. 請向當地唐崇榮國際佈道團之負責人員報名 (please register to the local STEMI representative)
b. 或待程式設計完成後,亦可直接在網上報名 (or you may register online when the system is available)

10. 台灣地區報名
a. 請同時繳交:i.報名表  ii.護照影本  iii.報名費(台幣或美金)
b. 洽詢:李姊妹 (02)8931-5431 ext.15 annalee@stemi.org.tw Fax. (02)8931-5490 www.stemi.org.tw