
日期:2012年6月28日 (星期四) 至30日 (星期六)
886-2-8931-5431 / 唐崇榮國際佈道團 台灣辦事處)
852-2357-0472 / 唐崇榮國際佈道團 香港辦事處)
主辦:Westminster Theological Seminary 暨 唐崇榮國際佈道團

Dr. David B. Garner|福音:與基督聯合與得兒子的名份、改革宗基督教倫理
Dr. Jeffrey Jue|普遍恩惠與普世教會、再訪基督與文化
Dr. Stephen Tong|福音與普遍恩惠
Dr. Lane Tipton|福音:與基督聯合與成聖、救贖歷史與普遍恩惠
Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.|與基督聯合:總覽、十字架的益處
Dr. Peter Lillback|福音:與基督聯合與因信稱義、普遍恩惠與宗教自由

程序(Conference Schedule)

Thursday, June 28
Opening, 7:00-7:30pm
Plenary I, 7:30-8:30: Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., Union with Christ: an Overview, Pt. 1
Break, 8:30-8:45
Plenary II, 8:45-9:45: Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., Union with Christ: an Overview, Pt. 2

Friday, June 29
Opening & Singing, 10:00-10:30am
Plenary III, 10:30-11:30: Dr. Peter Lillback, The Gospel: Union with Christ and Justification
Break, 11:30-12:00pm
Plenary IV, 12:00-1:00: Dr. Lane Tipton, The Gospel: Union with Christ and Sanctification
Lunch, 1:00-2:30
Seminars, 2:30-4:00
Break, 4:00-4:30
Seminars, 4:30-6:00
Dinner, 6:00-8:00
Opening & Singing, 8:00-8:30
Plenary V, 8:30-9:30: Dr. David B. Garner, The Gospel: Union with Christ and Adoption

Saturday, June 30
Opening & Singing, 10:00-10:30am
Plenary VI, 10:30-11:30: Dr. Lane Tipton, Redemptive History and Common Grace
Break, 11:30-12:00pm
Plenary VII, 12:00-1:00: Dr. Stephen Tong, The Gospel and Common Grace
Lunch, 1:00-2:30
Plenary VIII, 2:30-3:30: Dr. Jeffrey Jue, Common Grace and the Global Church, Pt. 1
Break, 3:30-4:00
Plenary IX, 4:00-5:00: Dr. Jeffrey Jue, Common Grace and the Global Church, Pt. 2
Panel Discussion, 5:00-6:00

Westminster Theological Seminary 神學會議資訊:http://www.wts.edu/stayinformed/hongkong.html
唐崇榮國際佈道團 香港辦事處相關網頁:http://www.stemi.org.hk/aboutus/topics/254-2012wts