Feb. 1 Fri. 7:30pm 佈道會 Evangelistic Rally
Feb. 2 Sat. 10:00am 專題講座:當代文化的偏差與重建 Seminar: The Error and Rebuilding of Contemporary Culture
Feb. 2 Sat. 6:00pm 問題解答 Q & A
Feb. 2 Sat. 7:30pm 佈道會 Evangelistic Rally
Feb. 3 Sun. 3:00pm 佈道會 Evangelistic Rally
地點 Location:First Nazarene Church of Pasadena
3700 Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91107
》免費入場,請及早入座 Free Admission for all events, please come early to reserve your seat
》國語主講|英語翻譯 Madarin with English Translation
》提供幼兒看顧和兒童節目(三場佈道會)Childcare and children program provided during three evangelistic sessions
》查詢 Information: 626 532 7548 tonglarally@gmail.com